Let’s Heal the Pain!
Life is full of struggle and pain
No need to stop or wait
be calm and vain
don’t wonder the hates
heal your pains!
STAY HAPPY with the gains
don’t be greedy like rains
A WOund can be normal again
if you heal your pains.
Enjoy and sense every sec
don’t wait for the perfect moment
Smile from the heart not from the brain
because it heals your pain!
Taste and explore every gate
no excuse for future dates
breathe and feel every happening
To heal the pain and trapping!
Always Stay strong
it’s okay to be wrong
Soothe with the song
heal what’s painful and wrong!
Say bye to your past
be in the present until it last
no worry about future blast
Hope for all-time bests
Love your self till the rest
Heal till vanish or ends!