!~An Introvert…*
We all have met or been an introvert in past and extrovert in future or have all characters features are always as an introvert. We don’t know but the day when a girl/boy realizes the reason for hating public speaking and not like to speak up more about anything not love to be in parties or meetup, crowds and many such occasions are features of an INTROVERT this thing might make them uncomfortable because they require their own alone space, to build confidence or make soul comfy to talk out the person he/she being introvert means likely to stay love quiet that not mean they did not talk that means they think a lot before saying, they prefer to speak to their soul and introspect about every doubt emotions, career, all have good planning before startup as work to do further or present must need to save time for the bond of leaving alone to talk with soul and make a plan of the other day.
It might be awkward for an extrovert to digest such facts but its the truth of their thoughts and being so thought full make them 100times attractive for people to understand their next step as being introvert not means the person is shy or feared with their classmates the audience of paths but can prefer them in a positive way that they like to speak last and be silent at first.
One of the things in introverts you need to know is they are not necessarily shy or anti-social. They often get a bad rap as being people who hate to be around others. This simply isn’t true. Not all introverts hate socializing, and not all of them are terrible at talking to others.
NO not make a change in soul seeing others getting more successful and its okay to inspire but not necessary to held changes so that could hear some appreciation that it’s great being introverted would make you intelligent in front of peoples thinking as many were introverted and succeed in life or been extrovert is everything in this generation from public speaker to a motivational speaker sorry but be what you want and aim what you can hire with your passion productivity because an introvert is his/her introversion and an extrovert is he/she as extroversion